The Frequently Asked Questions page.

  • What is the Royal Dynasty of Romania?

  • The Dynasty of the Royal House of Romania, is the one that began with Charles I Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen Romania.

  • Is Romania a Monarchy?

  • No, Romania is a Constitutional Republic.

  • Who was the last Constitutional Monarch of Romania?

  • King Carol II Honenzollern-Sigmaringen Romania.

  • Was the September 6th 1940 ,a coup against King Carol II ?

  • Yes, King Carol was deposed manu militari, by Ion Antonescu, the Iron Guard, and the Germans.

  • What is Abdication?

  • Abdication is when the King signs an act by which he renounces to his status as king, and this act is published.

  • Did King Carol II abdicate ?

  • No, nor is there any act of his abdication.

  • Who were the “Iron Guard”, the “Legionaires” and other Fascist Terrorist groups in Romania?

  • They were a domestic terrorist group that murdered opponents and members of the government from the 1930’s until 1944.And were taken in the regime established by Ion Antonescu on September 6 , 1940.

  • Was the 1940 “National Legionary State” and the following regime of 1941 a constitutional regime?

  • No, it was first a politico-military dictatorship, and from 1941 to 1944, a military dictatorship.

  • Did the regime of 1940 become an ally of Nazi Germany on , November 23 1940?

  • Yes, and it entered WWII on the side of Hitler’s Germany, and caused hundred of thousands of deaths, and destroyed the Romanian economy.

  • What was the “Armistice of 23 August 1944?

  • It was the capitulation of the Antonescu-Michael I regime to the UN Allied forces. At the last minute King Michael managed to make a deal with the Allies. Antonescu was arrested, tried for crimes against humanity ,and executed in 1946 , together with other dignitaries of his regime.

  • Was the regime installed on September 2, 1944 constitutional ?

  • Not in form because it was not a new regime, but a “Surrender government “ controlled by the Allied Commission. The Constitution of 1938, was suspended but not annulled, and the Constitution of 1923, was made void by the constitution of 1938 .And there was no National Assembly, to vote a new constitution.

  • Who was the head of the Dynasty during the 1940-1944 and after the abdication of Michael I ?

  • King Carol II Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen Romania.

  • Who is Prince Paul of Romania?

  • Prince Paul of Romania, is the son of Prince Mircea Carol Hohenzollern , the eldest son of King Carol II.

  • Who is Ioana Lambrino?

  • The first wife of King Carol II.

  • Was the Marriage legal"?

  • Yes, As per the articles of the Constitution of 1866, that made religious marriage mandatory.

  • Was the Marriage Annulled ?

  • No, since only the Orthodox Church can annul a religious marriage.

  • Was the Marriage rendered nil in a civil court?

  • Yes, but since it was a civil decision, it had to be ratified by the Orthodox Church.

  • Was it ratified?

  • No because the Orthodox High Church authority rejected the ratification.

  • Was the subsequent marriage of Prince Carol to Princess Helen of Greece valid?

  • Yes under the civil code , but not for the Orthodox Church. the Constitution of 1923 , made changes, to the articles concerning

    marriages ,giving the civil marriage legal preference over the religious one. This created a malaise between the government and the Orthodox Church.

  • Was the child born to Prince Carol and Ioana Lambrino legitimate?

  • Yes, recognized by his father, and the law.

  • Was Ioana Lambrino forced to leave Romania by Bratianu.

  • Yes, he forced King Ferdinand to exile Ioana.

  • Did Bratianu, also forced King Ferdinand to exile Prince Carol ?

  • Yes.

  • Did Bratianu conspire to prevent Prince Carol from returning to Romania in 1930?

  • Yes.

  • Did Prince Carol return to Romania and recovered his right to the throne as direct heir of King Ferdinand I?

  • Yes.

  • What is the “Status of the Royal Family of Romania?

  • The Status of the Royal Family of Romania, is that of the Dynasty of King Carol I Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen Romania.

  • Who is, Prince Carol Ferdinand of Romania?

  • The son of Prince Paul of Romania, and Princes Lia of Romania.